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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
And what are the benefits of water kefir?

The health benefits of consuming water kefir are endless. They are a natural supplier of probiotics to our digestive track. Probiotics refers to the healthy bacteria that usually feeds on the “bad” unhealthy bacteria in our stomach and intestines. Bacterial overgrowth can lead to many illnesses some of which include fungi, yeast infections, indigestion, obesity, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease, skin disorders, etc. By drinking water kefir you will bring balance to your internal microflora. Many people take a probiotic supplement daily for this particular reason but I prefer to drink the water kefir. It’s much tastier and more affordable in the long run.

Dr. Gabriel Cousens, a leading expert in the raw food community, writes in his book “Rainbow Green Live Food Cuisine“:

“Kefir grains produce right-rotating L(+) lactic acid, which is an important constituent of the human body. It is particularly important in the prevention of cancer and has been used experimentally with success in the treatment of cancer. In addition, right-rotating lactic acid may help maintaining healthy functioning of the heart. According to some researchers, the cells of the heart muscle obtain their energy primarily from right-rotating lactic acid.”

Another health advantage of water kefir is that people who do not wish to consume dairy or have a vegan type diet may find that water kefir provides the living probiotics without the need for dairy or tea cultured products, like kombucha.Vegans also may like to know that through the fermentation process kefir becomes an excellent source of vitamin B12, and is high in vitamins B1 and B6.

Diabetics, in particular, could greatly benefit from drinking kefir. Since the finished product, if bottled, will produce a carbonated beverage, it provides an alternative to sweet soda drinks. In that sense, anyone from children to adults can enjoy water kefir guilt-free.

How to make water kefir

Making water kefir is super easy and fun. To help illustrate the process I have created two video tutorials – one on how to make the basic water kefir recipe, and the other on how to make flavored water kefir. You can watch them below.

Tools Required:

  • Plastic strainer
  • Plastic measuring spoons
  • Plastic spoon
  • Measuring cup
  • 8-cup (1/2 gallon) Ball Mason jar
  • 2-3 Glass pitchers or Ball Mason jars

Notes: it’s very important that you NEVER use any metal utensils or tools when handling living cultures such as kefir grains. They don’t like metal and may be adversely affected if exposed to it.

Ingredients needed:

  • Filtered or spring water
  • Water kefir grains
  • Organic cane sugar
  • Sucanat, raw sugar or coconut palm sugar
  • Unsweetened, unsulfured dried fruit (apricots, figs or raisins)
  • Organic lemon (optional)

Notes: never use tap water because it contains chemicals such as chlorine and fluoride. They will kill the grains. Make sure the dried fruit doesn’t have any sulfur dioxide added to it. Many conventional brands add this chemical to keep the dried fruit looking bright and fresh.

Check out this video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_7svkQuUYYc

Basic water kefir formula:1 Cup of water

  • 1 Tbsp. of sugar
  • 1 Tbsp. of kefir grains
  • Few pieces of dried fruit

Notes: The ratio of 1-1-1 is what you need to follow.

My video tutorial recipe:

  • 6 Cups of water
  • 6-8 Tbsp. kefir grains
  • 4 Tbsp. organic cane sugar
  • 2 Tbsp. coconut palm sugar
  • 4 pieces of dried apricots and figs
  • 2 lemon wedges

Notes: When dividing the sugar always add more organic cane sugar and less sucanat, raw or coconut palm sugar. Kefir grains thrive primarily on the organic cane sugar. The other sugar and dried fruit are added to give them additional nutritional support their growth.

Check out part 2 of the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X8YYkzBaNzM

Source: http://zoevblog.com/2010/03/17/what-is-water-kefir-and-how-to-make-it/

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Your future is the manifestation of your present train of thought and imagination, with which you give it shape. Man is what he thinks all day long. If you change your current thinking, you change your entire life. You can give a direction to the cosmic stream deep inside you and thus influence the experiences you have in this life. In this way you can realize in your life the desires you nourish deep in your heart. Your spirit is continually engaged with thoughts, representations, ideas, dreams and ambitions which come and go. Also your circumstances are continually subjected to alterations, alterations that occur in accordance with your thinking habits. In this way you create your own success or failure, by means of both conscious and subconscious thoughts. Each thought you accept consciously will – in case you invest your faith into it – germinate like a seed in your subconsciousness and bear fruit, in accordance with the species it belongs to. IN THIS WAY YOU CREATE YOUR OWN FUTURE. We use aids to realize all this, such as meditation or prayer. If you are a believer, you use the name of GOD, if you are a non-believer, you will believe in another power. Can we use COSMIC POWER here? This cosmic energy (or Divine power) is full of love and is hidden in each one of us. Let us discover it and make use of it. Think that the world is a reflection of ourselves and let it be a positive reflection. Believe in the Divine energy, let it be a means to change your life in a positive way. It boils down to living OUR LORD’S PRAYER in a positive way: Our father who art in Heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. Give us your creative power, with positive thoughts in word and deed. Deliver us from the negative in the present and till the end of times. Amen.

We all need attention, that is as clear as daylight. As human beings we all want warmth, a little warmth from each other.

Someone who does listen to you, someone who does talk to you. That's what matters for every human being.

Take your time time to look to the stars, open your heart to a good friend and this good friend are you.

Life does not only bring good news or scary dreams. These are moments we start dreaming of a place we cannot reach. However, you brought us to that place of our dreams. There we learned that God is our lovely father and mother whom we can praise and thank for all the beauty and the love of friends.

For the kindness we may experience each day, for the joy through serving the others, and for having a noble friend like you.

May everyone respond to your blessing of love and may this kind of peace embrace each who walks the path of life.

Whole of mankind we keep within the golden gleam of Rev. Moon and wesee the power of God's Son at work in the hearts of many. We perceivethe sparkling star with the shape of Christ in the middle, emanatinghis power, his spirit and his love over whole of mankind. We bringall who have called for help or healing under this golden healinglight. May the blessing of God be upon this work.Persistent and beautiful tuned in the light of God and the power ofGod's angels, we think about all of the people who are sick andsuffer. Hence peace will prevail on earth by our cooperation andlove. Let's unite all of the nations as Rev. Moon is teaching us.It's like the sun which seems so far away and nonetheless its warmthis so near to our heart. Let's share this warmth with all who arecold so that they may also learn to receive love and warmth."

The woman of my life, in her eyes I see heaven and earth. She reflects her soul like the radiance of the sun in the sea. A sea of beauty so close to me. Which human can deserve this? The closeness of a delicious, beautiful and lovely energy which cuddles me under her wings as a mother does with her child. Which feeling you get when we are together? It is beyond words… This feeling is, if not Divine, almost Divine, as if you are in unity with the nocturnal starry sky, with a summer sunrise or with the woman of your life.

Drawing by: Jayson Villamor

From the sky He looks down on His World Sees the top of the mountains,the prairies, the lakes, the people who live there, the earth. The green grass made place for a thousand stones.Nature lost, no more woodlands, no more of their whispering to hear. A reflexion of My face in the water .We may see again the blue, bright sky music may sound all around us,the wonderful message that we are not alone.

M, a letter from a word you hear in all languages. The M of Mother, today and in the past. Mother is the word where life comes from. Mother is the word that belongs to every child. With you we can pour out our hearts, still never do we hear you sigh. We will always be there for you, even though we are no longer small. Being a mother is a heavy task, with various emotions coming and going. Positive or negative emotions, in heart and mind, provoked by children who are coming to you again and again. Troubled by old people’s sickness, makes that she is sometimes lost in memories. Today mother celebrates her birthday once again. Thanks heavens for she still looks great. One day a year of attention for each other, it may seem a bit strange, but this was the little text I wrote for you.
Drawing by: Jayson Villamor

Life is as a golden silk thread,so frail stressed and yet flexible no turn ever to be forgotten.
To laugh, to cry, happiness or sadness, this is our thread of life.
During our life on earth this golden thread connects our mind and body. 
Soon or later however, our golden thread of life will snap.
The world slips out of our broken silk threadThe realization arises I have to let go this beautiful earthly existence.
 And again we return to the question if God created us or if we made Him great. 
As such we return to this golden silk thread.

Your life started as a baby, fragile and small.
Of that nice baby I could be the daddy.
We were looking forward to you so much every day a little more,
born from love for each other. Born from God’s hand, together
we adopt you in our love country.
Full of dreams about your nice future that will come. Once there was a cute
little fairy who always did pleasant things. When you have your birthday,
you come running up for a big kiss and perhaps you can make a little wish.


Time will teach us who we are, will take us where we need to be. Even though it slips through our fingers, there has to be time. Likewise our heart is as time, it ticks on and on and allows us to live without being quiet. When the sky turns dark and the heart makes no more noise, there is silence… At one’s wit’s end is the one who leaves life. Then only do you feel what life is like. Also try to warm his hart, for that he may embrace life again. There is no place for hatred and jealousy in a loving heart. There are people who dance through life, others progress only
painstakingly. If you belong to the latter group, try to colour your life so that you can perk up your life. Give true life to your heart all your life, as a rare flower which you have to nurture. Enjoy this beauty and try to caress, to charm, to embrace, each sun ray, each flourishing flower. Welcome it wholeheartedly, this will make you think positively. This inner strength will awaken deep in you and will make you feel that your heart is always vigilant

I’d like to pick the stars
I know I will succeed in doing so
I would keep them in our hearts
Especially for you we keep them apart
They would make our eyes radiate
And bring out the best in us
Afterwards we want to offer them to you
They will be a souvenir of us to you
As long as the stars keep shining
We will keep dancing and singing
Until all together we embrace the entire world
True friends you get to know with time
Even though we do not dance well, they never want to lose us
Let us live without time, then our joy will for sure be real

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