After every
event in our life.
After every
ebullition of anger.
After each
After a
devastating shot.
After the
rumble of thunder.
After a
door that strikes.
After the
roar of a whirlwind.
After the
roar of a lion.
After the
heavenly song af a songbird.
After the breaking of glass.
After the chime.
After the sounding of the cups.
After the speech.
After singing a song.
After the crying of a child.
After a violent altercation.
After the beat of the drums.
After each stroke of the farrier.
After the buzz of a mosquito.
After a blow on the table.
After loud music.
After a roaring laugh.
After a flamenco dance.
After the cry of a market vendor.
After a whistle.
After shouting at the football stadium.
After each goal.
After each turn on a fairground attraction.
After a splash in the water.
After a car accident.
After a lamentation of unlikely sorrow.
After breaking down an old home.
After the shutdown of a windmill.
After the passage of a hurricane.
After the shrill sound of a jet.
After a command to break the cadence.
After the float of a car in procession.
After the rustling of an invisible rodent.
After each drop of the tap.
After a violent hailstorm.
after the shutdown of a motor.
After the crash of a plane.
After the call of a bird of prey.
After the horror of a war.
After all this, silence follows...
A sensation of intense peace.
The silence lead us.
The silence helps us, makes us think.
The silence makes us empty, protects us for challenges.
Helps us against agression, is a factor for peace.
A symbol of wisdom.
The silence says more than words.
It brings peace, gives new hope.
It frees us from stress and anger.
Words break, that can help the silence.
After a fruitfull life, full of goodness and warm loyality,
we cannot escape from the ultimat way of "SILENCE".
We may sense the peace of everlasting silence
and embrace our loved ones back again with so much love.
The hope to see them ever back again, we had right?
It will serve you well.
A silent greeting from Walter Stroef...