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Friday, December 2, 2011
Jayson Villamor
It is the essence of true love to give, to live for the well-being of others and the whole Creation.
True love gives, forget that she has given and continuous to give without stopping. True sensitive love is given with a joyous heart. True love is sacrificing love, like giving without thinking about maybe getting back what has been given with love.
Once connected to each other in true love, we can stay together for ever more, and the joy of being together will continuously increase. Through true love the force of attraction will connect all thoughts and energies in the universe into a harmonious whole, which will develop into another true world view of love on earth and aggression will disappear to make room for true friendship among the nations.
The main features of true love require that she is unconditional, unique, unchangeable and eternal so each and everyone who applies it, will live in peace with the universe. And on earthly level, only true love will cross your path, enemies will become friends. You become the master of yourself, through which you will use true love to get through everything.
Using love we destroy all national barriers and boarders, who have poisoned our earth, and realize a world of peace where people can live hand in hand everywhere.

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