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Friday, December 30, 2011

We create our children after our own image, and our children are human.

Conclusion: WE = GOD

So God exists!

But didn’t God do a lot more than creating man?

God was/is indeed the creative power behind everything that exists and doesn’t exist, the ignition of the Big Bang out of which the whole universe has grown.
This brings back my former conclusion to the fact that every one of us is part of God.

But aren’t there more Gods?

In my opinion, there is only 1 God.

In the antiquities, mostly polytheism existed: man was seeking explanations for what he couldn’t understand or explain and attributed this – out of convenience? – to the gods. Trough the years, science has found a great deal of answers, but not for the very earliest beginning of the universe and life. This we – still – attribute to a “higher power” we call God.

And what gender does God have?

This question arises from the extension of the human: man is either male or female.

Because of the creative power of God – he created man after his own image – we can suppose that God exists both out of a male and female part: a man or a woman alone can not engender a child. After all, wasn’t Jesus, son of God, born of Maria?

On the other hand I think this question is groundless: God must be a so great and complex creature that God transcends gender.

From the foregoing reasoning I think 1 general conclusion can be drawn: there is 1 God and He exists.    ( tekst : Sven Soentjens )

1 comments, click here to leave a comment:

William said...

Bart het is gelukt

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