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Sunday, September 23, 2012
Tree of knowledge by Angelique Kroes

In every human being the Divine or Cosmic reveals a piece of itself. We have shaped ourselves after the desire of our own, creative power to create ourselves more beautiful and versatile ever again. It is the desire of every living being to develop the best form of himself imaginable. When two people love each other, love is in their midst; we are related in our desire to pass life through our sexual desire. To manifest like that in a heavenly unity on earth the spark of love of one with the spark of another. What is wisdom if we cannot share it together? Knowledge only becomes real knowledge if we are capable of passing it on to someone else. It is the universal principle of giving and receiving. If we associate with each other in a respectful way, where everyone does himself justice, and everyone can express themselves to reflect in his own life form, we create an ideal world. Why do we make this world so hostile? Ultimately it is our personality that we have created. Be it Christian, Protestant, Muslim or Buddhist, your body is only a garment that after death, when the soul rejoins with all other souls, is discarded. The Divine or Cosmic is something quite ordinary, it is everywhere in our thoughts and actions, it is space and consciousness. Let us be in silence with ourselves more, because silence is a piece of heaven that descends to the depths of ourselves. Silence has become a scarce commodity, or so it seems. If we depend too much on the outside world, we are susceptible to negative influences and we come along like a herd that unreasoned follows its leaders: the Prophet Muhammad has been inappropriately humiliated, but everyone is sucked up into a large flow of negative energy. He definitely doesn’t want this destruction in his name, everything is love, we forgive, but do not approve. Try to go into the silence like a garden in time, so we consciously take our time for that silence. One gets something in return for that? Yes: a more intense life, deeper feeling, to be less impressionable and to get more enjoyment. In our time with all that noise, we need more silence; silence gives you a glimpse of something infinitely greater than yourself, the entity, the universe. You get understanding of this immense entirety. So you realize that you are indispensable and inseparable connected to it, but at the same time an infinitely fiddling particle of it.
Yours truly, William

3 comments, click here to leave a comment:

Anonymous said...

Very nice translated in English Sven, I read the text in Dutch. I may also begins to read Dutch. Yes positive valuable text ... Greetings Antonin of Suriname

Anonymous said...

Je brengt een beter inzicht in ons leven, boeiend om te lezen, ook om even bij stil te staan en even goed alles te laten doordringen. GGGGRRRRRR... Miranda (Sven prachtig vertaald, heb ook de Nederlandse versie gelezen )

better insight you bring into our lives, reading fascinating, also a moment to stand still and to penetrate everything equally well. GGGGRRRRRR ... Miranda (Sven beautifully translated, have also read the Dutch version)

Anonymous said...

instructive relaxing text well written: Greetings Randy of Spain
instructivo texto relajante bien escrito: Randy saludos de España

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