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Sunday, August 26, 2012
Artwork of Isabelle Stroef
The shadow on our table shifts. The sun shines in our glass. Drink, now lies the sun in our glass.
As if she gave us eternal life. I pour the burning sun in my mouth. She descends into me, she sinks fiery and brilliantly down in me.
She divides herself over my veins. She becomes a part of my blood. Drink of me, flowing, beaming and enjoying.
Thus shall I be your SUN in our dark days, will you be my light in the darkness, will our dull winter days become fiery hot nights.
Where the stars stood still in order that the sun could not get up, to let our nights go on forever.

Yours truly, William

8 comments, click here to leave a comment:

Anonymous said...

Back super funny, beautiful what do you guys, I think too fast places lyrics Sven. Time not enough to read .....Greetings Victor and Jacqueline

Anonymous said...

You can also write short erotic lyrics!! ;-), was this afternoon on a terrace (enjoying those beautiful Sun) and thought of yours if I drank my glass of wine with the Sun the glass?. Greetings from Spain
También puede escribir letras eróticos cortos!! ;-), fue esta tarde en una terraza (disfrutando los bellos el sol) y un pensamiento tuyo si me bebía mi copa de vino con el sol el vidrio?. Saludos desde España

Anonymous said...

If you are still in this line have ideas, let your pen flow!. Finds it articulates beautifully. Greetings from Suriname Ezmeralda

Anonymous said...

It's fun on this relaxed way, not always tense the arch. We must all days shooting with the arrows that we have in 't life?! and which arrows are getting heavier and heavier Greetings from Lucia (Portugal)
É divertido mesmo sobre este descontraído forma, não é sempre tensa o arco. Temos todos os dias tiro com setas que temos em ' t vida?! e setas que são cada vez mais pesadas e mais pesado Portugal

Anonymous said...

Our imagination is Believing in yourself. If you can do that, you can make anything happen. Greetings - Larson - London - Good Sven - the translation

Anonymous said...

Humorous texts also relaxing and it remains very neatly, also a big congrats here do so on. greetings .. Màrqueza
Esprili metinler de rahatlatıcı ve hala çok iyi, aynı zamanda büyük Tebrikler burada vb.. Màrqueza

Anonymous said...

Schöne Text, entspannende und sicherlich die streng sprechend mit ihm zu teilen....Grüße Hirschhaus J.

Anonymous said...

fun and funny but well written, I love it ..Greetings Natty Sherman

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