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Friday, June 1, 2012

Dear readers

Thank you all for so much appreciation.
All the participants of the blog-team are working together to publish the texts in the best way we can.
Mostly we appreciate William for the input of his words, and we work closely together to present you the words with the intended meaning and message(s).
Personally, I try my best to bring them to you in the best English translation possible. I am glad you like the result.
We try to make a contribute each week, and thank you for being patient for the moment of publishing, which we have set for Sundays.
Please feel free to post your comment(s), without them our success would be minor.
We try to reach as many people as possible, and we would like to appeal to you to help us spread these words.

Yours truly, Sven

6 comments, click here to leave a comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks Sven! Indeed so we can enjoy beautiful texts that are expressed..... Yolanda........ greetings from Sweden (I am in Belgium at the moment for my work)

Anonymous said...

Sven thanks for translations, we enjoy now also of Williams beautiful texts. :-);-) Greetings Katerina New York

Anonymous said...

We try to reach as many people as possible, and we would like to appeal to you to help us spread these words.
We will certainly do these wonderful texts are spread worth to be.
Wir werden sicherlich tun, diese wunderbare Texte sind Verbreitung Wert sein
Greetings : Grüße : Tobias and Röhl

Anonymous said...

Spiritual texts translated pretty easy, not about the content to preserve. Sven thanks that we can beauty enjoy, ...greetings ... Theo .... ......... (everything is well understood my English is ok )Merci pour les traductions de belles.................;.........;........;Theo Van montagnes..........France

Anonymous said...

You know thanks to the beautiful translations we follow the Sven closely..... greetings from the Philippines

Anonymous said...

I don't know about the site yet, but I've had the privilege to meet Sven in person ... Let's hope the writing is just as great as he is! Thanks, hope will meet again. Jack-Jef

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