You have the power of love in your heart in your hands in every little part of your body What are you looking at?
don't worry he'll come he'll find the way to you someone who is as lovable as you...
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Yes we have the power of love in our hearts and hands. Many do not know or feel nothing, we are numb, violence and aggression are increasing. More people like your,and the world would change. Greetings Hirschhaus J. Ja, wir haben die Macht der Liebe in unseren Herzen und Händen. Viele nicht wissen oder fühlen nichts, wir sind taub, Gewalt und Aggression wächst. Mehr Menschen wie Ihr, und die Welt verändern würde. Grüße Hirschhaus J.
Credis me potuisse meae maledicere vitea, ambolus mihi quae est oculis ? No, potui, nec, si possem, tam perdite amarem: sed tua.. Afoniëus I can read a little English... greetings Afoniëus ..This is my text about love
4 comments, click here to leave a comment:
Yes we have the power of love in our hearts and hands. Many do not know or feel nothing, we are numb, violence and aggression are increasing. More people like your,and the world would change. Greetings Hirschhaus J.
Ja, wir haben die Macht der Liebe in unseren Herzen und Händen. Viele nicht wissen oder fühlen nichts, wir sind taub, Gewalt und Aggression wächst. Mehr Menschen wie Ihr, und die Welt verändern würde. Grüße Hirschhaus J.
Credis me potuisse meae maledicere vitea, ambolus mihi quae est oculis ? No, potui, nec, si possem, tam perdite amarem: sed tua..
I can read a little English... greetings Afoniëus ..This is my text about love
sensitive, beautiful text wonderful short and well, let these texts but they are worth reading..;Greetings Natty Sherman
Да сила любви, разорвать все... Привет из Москвы
Yes the power of love, break everything ... greetings from Moscow
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